Elasticsearch upgrade

Publish date: 13 Oct 2018
Tags: software, tools

These are my notes on upgrading elasticseach from v5.3 to v6.4.2. This was done on Windows Server 2016 with 32GB RAM and 500GB hdd. The source data was about 300GB in size.



  1. Download elasticsearch + kibana from downloads. After extracting to my local drive, I used NSSM to run these as windows services. You should now be able to visit http://localhost:9200 (elasticsearch) and http://localhost:5601 ( kibana )
  2. Copy across the 5.3 data using robcopy. Install elasticsearch 5.3 ( update elasticsearch.yml ) to run 5.3 at http://localhost:8200 ( as 6.4.2 is running on port 9200)
  3. Create the new indices on 6.4.2
  4. Migrate the data from 5.3 to 6.4.2 using reindex

Additional resources

  1. Upgrade Elasticsearch